Saturday, May 25, 2019

Bernie Sanders Rallies in Montpelier

I wish I could have live tweeted the Bernie rally but my phone’s battery died before these pics could be taken with Tiko’s phone.

The band was great. The introductory speeches were all great. I’ve never heard Peter Welch so fired up and Ben Cohen gave a history lesson about mayor Sanders and how his long entrenched Democratic predecessor wouldn’t allow free movie night.

And there around me were Erhard Mahnke and Brian Pine and Phil Fiermonte and Mike Blair and Vicki Blair, Anthony Pollina and Bob Hooper. And over there were Carina Driscoll and Jane Sanders and Dave Driscoll- and all the Bernie people of Vermont- and then the man himself.

The weather was perfectly overcast to keep the sun off. But it came out for moment when Bernie spoke and he mentioned it.

Then he reminded us there’s a horrible war in Yemen. And climate change is not a hoax. And that women have a right to privacy. And that we are dealing now with the most dangerous president in American history.

The strength of Bernie’s voice booming out the speakers and echoing off the buildings across State Street was surreal, even over the din of a banner dragging plane, and even across the decades, his voice boomed.

And when the speech ended and the crowd broke up, there was a little rain.

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