Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Who is Lori Spicer?

After studying this Facebook profile, and after studying this Instagram profile, including its followers and especially those it's following, and after reading this post's comment thread, I think it's obvious. 

There is no "Lori Spicer."  This is a fake identity, invented for a purpose.

Hiding behind fake profiles is dishonorable and dishonest.  It's not clever, and it's no way to improve your organization's image.  This is deplorable, and absolutely disqualifying behavior for any public official.

Burlington will be better off when Lori eases on down the road.


  1. Good point, but you've also claimed real FB accounts were 'detectives.'

  2. Thank you for your service "Mish." I hope you get the help you need.

  3. Who hasn't had a different profile?

  4. You mean who hasn't had a different profile created as part of their duties as a public official, used it to harass someone, illegally destroyed that public record, and lied about it under oath?

    I know what you mean. That sort of thing happens to me every week.
