Take two thick slices of Noonie's day old bread, smear Honey Cup honey mustard
liberally over both. Cover both slices with green leaf lettuce. Then on one slice only lay smoked turkey on the lettuce,
a tomato slice on the turkey and sprinkle it with shredded carrot. Then on the lay a slice of provolone cheese over the
carrot then a green pepper ring on top of the cheese. Sprikle with sprouts. Cover with the other slice, lettuce side down.
The letuce should be stuck to the bread with honey mustard so it doesn't fall off when you turn it upside down to cover the
sandwich. Slice sandwich in half with a knife. Wrap in tightly in plastic wrap. Use too much wrap. Tape on label. Tadaaa!
Weighs one pound. Costs Four Bucks.
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses
yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your
teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed,
to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers,
and effects,
against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and
no warrants shall issue,
but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and
particularly describing the place
to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Ethan Allen Tower
"During the 1992 campaign, Bill Clinton
sometimes spoke of a 'twofer' (two for the price of one) presidency,
implying that Hillary would play an important role in his
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem,
consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus.
Whatever things
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem,
consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus.
(Re-Run from 05.06.09) ***** Thank to Liz for this heads-up... ***** Hi Haik,
Last year you stopped in at one of the Chapel’s Public Openings & mentioned that you had noted the event (perhaps on your blog?). We’re again opening the Chapel to the Public, and I’m hoping you might find this year’s Memorial Day Opening interesting enough to help us get the word out.
Our standard calendar listing is as follows:
“The historic 1882 City-owned Louisa Howard Chapel will be Open to the Public from 11AM to 3 PM on Sat., May 23rd & Mon., May 25th. New this year, Don Jackson, Civil War historian, will offer a guided tour of Civil War Veteran Gravesites at 1PM on Saturday. All are invited to visit the fully restored High Gothic Victorian style Non-denominational Chapel located at 455 North Avenue in Burlington. This event is Free to the public. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the Chapel is now available to the public for ceremony and event rental through the City of Burlington. For more information call 802-863-2075 or see www.enjoyburlington.com/cemeteries.”
We appreciated your comments when you last visited the Chapel and hope you’ll feel free to stop by again.
"And so it begins. I must give credit to the inspiration for this blog and this challenge to Haik Bedrosian, who recently completed his own two week Facebook challenge, documented on burlingotnpol.com."
Below is an email from Barb McLaughlin that I received this morning. It's about a conference going on today and tomorrow. I'm speaking on one of the panels at this thing later today.
***** Several hundred community media and public access TV makers convene for northeast regional conference of the Alliance for Community Media on Thursday, May 21st and Friday, May 22nd at Champlain College in Burlington Vermont.
ACM Executive Director Helen Soule will welcome media makers to two days of workshops that discuss the new Public Access Protection Act soon to be considered by Congress, the transition to web 2.0 and the future of free speech. Panelists include former FCC Commissioner Gloria Tristani who will discuss Congress and the FCC Media Policy. Panelists will also look at the Future of Public Broadband Development in Vermont and Social Media Tools for Nonprofits and Activists.
The ACM Conference will be recorded and air on Channel 17/ Town Meeting TV, Channel 15/ VCAM and Channel 16/ RETN on Burlington Telecom and Comcast Cable.
For more information contact Rob Champman, Executive Director of VCAM at (802) 238.4668.
Maybe twitter is ok. April Cornell just tweeted this little item about a local fashion contest. WCAX reports she's looking for a new model to be the face of her brand.
Well... I guess it's over. It's been over two weeks since I asked fb to delete my account. If they kept their word, my account should be deleted right now. So far they haven't sent me any confirmation that's happened. Should I try logging in to fb to see if my account is really deleted? I'm kind of nervous about doing that. What if they haven't deleted my account and I once again get body-snatched into the black-hole vortex matrix zombie world? Stupid facebook.
Update- I tried logging in and couldn't do it. Incorrect Login/PW, etc. I search the public facebook search and no results for me. Looks like I did it.
Although a google search revealed just how sticky facebook really is. I'm not there anymore, but this blog still is, which apparently means it's here too.
I met the facebook 2 week challenge successfully. Do you think it's too soon to open a new account?
Day 14 doesn't tell you if I succeeded or not any more than day 2 does. The challenge won't be met until day 14 is in the rear view mirror. That will be tomorrow. I hope facebook sends an email or something to acknowledge the event. I told you I'm paranoid that they aren't going to delete my account.
I might add a couple of facebook hating links to this post later today. Maybe a picture. Or maybe not, we'll see. *****
I'm done with facebook. I hope they honor their promise to delete my account after 14 days. I can envision trying to log in at some point next week just to see if they deleted me, and finding that they hadn't and I was back on there just like before. Stupid facebook.
Anyway, I'm on twitter now, but I'm afraid I won't have much to say on there. Maybe I'll occasionally promote a post from this blog, but only if it's really worthy.
I will not be "tweeting" this post. Not worthy. But thanks for reading it anyway.
This is getting easier, not harder. I feel like I'm being de-toxified of that vile, time-wasting nonsense. Why do I want to worry about how everyone I've ever met is going to interpret every little thing I might say to someone on the facebook? And yes I know I could "fine tune" the privacy settings and all that, but why bother with it?
Seriously folks. Kill your facebook. Set yourselves free.
"Another major step has been taken on the project. Freeman French Freeman, the Burlington architectural firm, after studying the project over the winter, has delivered budget numbers for remodeling the building to the city and the project partners — the for-profit company Ice Factor and the nonprofit Community Sailing Center and Green Mountain Children’s Museum."
A word to my former facebook friends, some of whom actually were my real friends too. First of all- I did not "de-friend" you. I deleted my account- assuming I can resist logging in for six more days. So it isn't you. It's me. Yesterday I had to send an email to ten of my co-workers, including my immediate boss, telling them the same thing. I did not de-friend you. I deleted my account.
If any of my former facebook friends wants to find me now, it's going to take a little more effort. First, if you don't already have my email address (and I only use one) here's how you find it. If you are reading this blog, look for the link that says "email" in the top left corner. Then click it.
If you are not reading this blog, simply log into Google and type "Haik Bedrosian" into the search field and click "search." This blog will be the top search result. Click the link to this blog and once you're here, look for the link that says "email" in the top left corner. Then click it.
If you are in the Burlington area and you want to call me, then you can find my number in the local telephone directory under the name "Bedrosian, Haik."
I know I am much less accessible to my friends now that I am not on facebook, but I'm hoping the people who care enough to talk to me will find the strength to go through these arduous extra steps.
“There are a limited set of cues available on sites like this. You don’t get the subtleties of voice tone, facial expressions or body language you usually have when interacting with others and that can make interpreting the meaning of messages difficult. You can write something flippantly, which others take seriously, or come across as aggressive when that’s not your intention at all. I can see how relationships can be damaged as a result..."
When I was 18 Rabbi Wall paid me and a friend to move a bunch of books. It was an extremely lucky gig for me to fall into at that time, as I needed the money to take my girlfriend to her high school prom. Thank you Rabbi Wall.
If you follow this blog closely enough, you'll know one of the things I'm most proud of about it is that it engendered a comment one time from the great and powerful Dr. Rachel Maddow, host of MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show. I am a huge fan of Rachel Maddow, and I was also "friends" with her on facebook. I gotta tell you, I felt pretty special when she accepted my friend request and added me to her thousands of other friends. From that point on I had access to pictures of her as a young baby faced local Massachusetts radio host in horn-rimmed glasses, pictures of her and someone I guessed maybe was her partner or at least a friend, and so on- Although her profile picture was just an old Jerry Falwell album cover. Then I started getting notifications every time somebody tagged her in an old photograph. Why does a stalker like me need fourth grade pictures of Rachel Maddow? Should seeing those pictures make me any closer to the real Rachel? Only as much as a Madonna pap smear gets me closer to the real Madonna. Which is to say not at all. But it makes me feel a little closer to her. Artificially. I'm not so sure how good that is.
▸ adjective:making claim to or creating an appearance of (often undeserved) importance or distinction ▸ adjective:intended to attract notice and impress others ▸ adjective:of a display that is tawdry or vulgar
Facebook creates the ultimate pretense for "staying in touch" with people you have long since parted with in the real world, or for "making new friends" whom you never really knew. It blurs the lines of relationships- between professional and casual, between acquaintance and friend, between friend and love interest. Updates on facebook create the false pretense that you are speaking to your friends, but they're really a way of faking it with everyone without bothering to speak to anyone in particular. And you might chat with someone only in facebook that you would otherwise never bother with outside that world. Being "friends" with someone on facebook does not mean you are friends with that person.
I have to fight the urge to say stupid crap in front of hundreds of people on facebook. Actually it's not that hard. Screw facebook. I just like the narrative of inner conflict.
Yeah. There's no way I'm going to make it. Facebook is too awesome. Plus, my wife is still on there. Yes, being with her in real life is amazing, but it's just not the same as chatting with her in The Matrix. I'll give it another day and see how I feel...
Resistance is futile. Obey.
Here's a post on how Holocaust deniers are organizing on facebook. It would be hard for me to deny the holocaust, since my own father is a concentration camp survivor.
I've pretty much just been taking care of my children all day. No urge to check facebook. And I'm pretty high in the Google rankings for the phrase "kill your facebook." So that's good.
My resolve to stay off facebook is starting to weaken. The whole world is on there and I have willingly exiled myself from everyone. You see this is why they give you two weeks to change your mind. They know how weak people are.
But I can't cave in. There's a reason I've never tried heroin and it's the same reason I can't log back into facebook. I don't want to be a slave. I don't want to be a sheep. So it's time for me to dig up more links about facebook evil to strengthen my resolve and fortify my will. I'll be adding links to this post throughout the day.
"...when I started toying with the idea of leaving I had this thought: “Sigh. I can’t leave. Everyone I know is on there and increasingly organising events through the events application, and…”
Whoa, what? I CAN’T LEAVE a commercial service that I never thought was super awesome in the first place and now I’m sick of BECAUSE MY SOCIAL WORLD IS STARTING TO DEPEND ON IT???
So the only way to reclaim my capacity to act is to engage in the politics of refusal..."
Damn. I think I want to go back on facebook. I'm afraid I'm going to fail the challenge. Maybe The Matrix is too powerful for me. I'm feeling a huge amount of stress over this. Facebook is ruining my life. Maybe I have to find a support group or a councelor.
For now I'll just work on making more anti-facebook art.
Resisting facebook has not been hard so far. Screw facebook. I don't want to go back in there. People are really stupid on it. I behaved stupidly on it. The world doesn't need to read my stupid facebook comments. Taken out of context, facebook comments could easily come back to haunt someone. And people get mixed up with strangers on there and there's always risk to that as well.
Who's watching you on facebook?
Why do people feel the need to tell the world what curse word best represents them? What about all those surveys that reveal intimate deatails about their respondents? What about all the young people who put rauncy, revealing or otherwise compromising photos of themselves on there? Someday the facebook Matrix overlords are going to have a lot of people by the short and curleys. That day is now, by the way, and it's getting nower all the time.
So here are some more links about why facebook sucks....
Last year you stopped in at one of the Chapel’s Public Openings & mentioned that you had noted the event (perhaps on your blog?). We’re again opening the Chapel to the Public, and I’m hoping you might find this year’s Memorial Day Opening interesting enough to help us get the word out.
Our standard calendar listing is as follows:
“The historic 1882 City-owned Louisa Howard Chapel will be Open to the Public from 11AM to 3 PM on Sat., May 23rd & Mon., May 25th. New this year, Don Jackson, Civil War historian, will offer a guided tour of Civil War Veteran Gravesites at 1PM on Saturday. All are invited to visit the fully restored High Gothic Victorian style Non-denominational Chapel located at 455 North Avenue in Burlington. This event is Free to the public. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the Chapel is now available to the public for ceremony and event rental through the City of Burlington. For more information call 802-863-2075 or see www.enjoyburlington.com/cemeteries.”
We appreciated your comments when you last visited the Chapel and hope you’ll feel free to stop by again.
Ok it's been six hours since I requested to permanently delete my facebook account. This is not the same as "deactivating" my account, which can be reversed at any time simply by logging in. If I can resist logging in for fourteen days, then my account will actually be deleted, supposedly, and if I want back into The Matrix after that I'll have to create whole new account and start inviting friends again.
Facebook is addictive as many of you know. More addictive than blogging, even. They know a large number of people won't be able to go the fourteen days.
Your facebook self is a zombie. It is not the real you.
I'm going to start looking for links to stories on the evils of facebook and add them to this post throoughout the day. It's a link brainstorm. If you have any to share, please do... *****
*Here's a post that discusses "facebook suicide" not as actual suicide by folks distraught by facebook, but rather about folks like me who have decided to walk away from it and "kill" the virtual "selves" they have created in The Matrix (Yes, I'll often be referring to facebook as "The Matrix.")
*Here's another on "facebook suicide" as the act of walking away from it. From Adbusters. Apparently this is common nomenclature for this occurrence.
*facebooksucks.com trys to re-direct you to facebook, but facebooksucks.org seems legit. I found this post there, that talks about that obvious double-entendre facebook encourages called "poking..."
"Look, let me get this out of the way immediately. Any time you poke another person - any time - it means you want to have sex with them.
This is particularly true if you are a man..."
*Here's where a wife's activities on facebook lead to an actual murder-suicide. That's really scary. I mean Jesus- Folks should always give divorce a chance, before going the murder suicide route, but this is an example of the evil power of The Matrix.
*Here's an example of a woman suffering because her husband won't stop flirting on facebook.
*Information on the ever growing privacy threat facebook poses to its users.
I'm back baby! I'm going to start attacking facebook on this blog for a while. Kinda like I went crazy on politics vermont. First let me google facebook sucks and see what I come up with. Well first of all google doesn't automatically give you the phrase option before typing every one of the letters. That's worrisome right there. This is not necessarily because I personally hate facebook, but because I think there's a huge audience of facebook haters and a wealth of potential subject matter here. I have to come at this clinically. Gather evidence. Somebody at the OP tonight said there are actually facbook suicides. Wait, let me google that. Holy Shit! There are actually facebook suicides and people who leave suicide notes on their facebook pages! That is messesd up. I have to get to the bottom of this. First of all, let me go delete my own personal facebook account...
OK I did it. Sorry 271 friends or whatever. And guess what? Now it's given me 14 days to think it over. I'll I have to do is breakdown once in the next 14 days and I'm back on there just like before. So it's the facebook fourteen day challenge eh? There's a reason for readers to check into this blog for the next two weeks right there. Last thing let me google the title of this post.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of
the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Click Sticker to get one.
Yours free with Paypal donation of any amount.
Amendment VII
In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars,
the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury,
shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States,
than according to the rules of the common law.
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses
yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your
teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed,
to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
-Emma Lazarus, 1883
Church Street Energy System
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"The Medium is the Message."
Whatever things
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem,
consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus.
Whatever things
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem,
consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus.